Summary of Major Changes Between Python Versions | Nicholas Hairs
5 Ways to Get Started in Open Source, How does Django manage DB connections? with some more interesting articles and packages
Summary of Major Changes Between Python Versions
Want to know what major changes happened in each Python3 version then you should read this article by Nicholas Hairs.
# Nicholas Hairs
Python 3.12.2 and 3.11.8 are now available
Python 3.12.2 and 3.11.8 are now available. In addition to all the usual bug fixes, these releases contain a small security fix: hidden .pth files are no longer automatically read and executed as part of Python startup. (New releases of 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 containing the same fix are expected next week.)
A Complete Data Engineering Workflow, Data Modelling and Advanced Analytics using Python, DuckDB
For analytics, pandas and SQL are like 2 pillars. In this article, Danial Shabbir took New York taxi trips data as an example dataset and explained each concept well with code and SQL queries using pandas and DuckDB libraries.
# Danial Shabbir
5 Ways to Get Started in Open Source
This is not related to Python but Python thrives because of the open source ecosystem. If you want to contribute to the open source ecosystem then this article by Stefanie Molin is one of the amazing articles to read to get an understanding.
# Stefanie Molin
How does Django manage DB connections?
Django manages the DB connections itself. You don’t need to worry about it much but it's good to have a bit of an idea of what's happening inside. In this article, Jordan Bae analyzed the internal code of Django 5.0 and based on that understanding explained what actually happens.
# Jordan Bae
Don’t Start Pull Requests from Your Main Branch
Python ecosystem is vibrant because of contributions from an amazing community. So it's always good to know how to contribute. Hynek Schlawack covered one of the topics related to it here. The gist of it is “When contributing to other users’ repositories, always start a new branch in your fork”.
# Hynek Schlawack
Python GUIs
Do you want to create GUI applications with Python? Then you should check this site. Here you have all the info which will help you build the first window to complete apps.
Thinking of learning Data Science including a bit of Python programming check this Onur Baltacı video.
# Onur Baltacı
Interesting Packages to explore
PyParsing - Python library for creating PEG parsers. Want to get an idea about it then check this article.
bonobo - a simple, modern and atomic extract-transform-load toolkit for Python 3.5+. Want to get an idea about it then check this article.
PandasAI 🐼 - PandasAI is a Python library that integrates generative artificial intelligence capabilities into Pandas, making dataframes conversational. Want to get an idea about it then check this article.
Next Week Python Events
Leipzig Python User Group Meeting
Feb 13, 2024
Santa Cruz Python Meetup
Feb 15, 2024
BangPypers - Bangalore Python Users Group
Feb 17, 2024