Getting Started Contributing to Django, Project Quarantine and more
PyCon UK dates announced, Python for DevOps, Ruff v0.9.0 Released with some more interesting news, articles, packages and projects
PyGAD 3.4.0 Released
Niquests 3.12 Released
PyCon UK dates announced
This time it's happening in a new location(Manchester).
Python 3.14.0 alpha 4 is out
Python 3.14 is still in development. This release, 3.14.0a4, is the fourth of seven planned alpha releases.
Slixmpp 1.8.6 Released
Ruff v0.9.0 Released
PyConf Hyderabad 2025 dates announced
The conference is on 22nd February & the workshop is on 23 February.
Getting Started Contributing to Django
Want to contribute to Django but feeling overwhelmed by its massive codebase? Check out this article by Tim Schilling, where he shared a curated list of helpful resources to get you started.
# Tim Schilling
Project Quarantine
Mike Fiedler introduced a new feature to PyPI that allows projects to be quarantined. This functionality enables PyPI administrators to flag potentially harmful projects, preventing users from easily installing them and mitigating further risks. In this post, he discussed the implementation details and outlined future improvements.
# Mike Fiedler
Python for DevOps
Python offers a package for almost every need, including DevOps. In this article, Adam Gordon Bell highlighted some incredible Python packages designed for DevOps tasks, such as automating workflows, creating dashboards, managing infrastructure and building useful tools.
# Adam Gordon Bell
Django vs. FastAPI, An Honest Comparison
Django & FastAPI are both excellent frameworks, but looking for a "winner" might not be the right quest. The choice depends on your specific needs. In this article, David Dahan outlined the strengths & weaknesses of each framework for various scenarios, which will help you decide which one is the better fit for your use case.
# David Dahan
Learn SQL with Python (Part 1)
If you want to learn SQL basics & experiment with Python, check out this article by Patrick Kennedy. He covered foundational SQL concepts like creating tables, adding columns, inserting data and reading (selecting) data. This article is part of a series where subsequent sections dive into filtering, sorting, grouping, joins and more.
# Patrick Kennedy
Interesting Packages and Projects to explore
Arcade - Easy to use Python library for creating 2D arcade games
Pathway - Python ETL framework for stream processing, real-time analytics, LLM pipelines, and RAG
Psycopg 3 - New generation PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language
Dishka - Cute DI framework with agreeable API and everything you need
Flasgger - Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API
About Upcoming Python Events
HydPy January Meetup
January 18, 2025
PyDelhi User Group Meetup
January 18, 2025
BangPypers - Workshop on Building an End-to-End LLM
January 18, 2025
Inland Empire Python Users Group monthly meeting
January 22, 2025
Python Meeting Düsseldorf
January 22, 2025
PyCon+Web 2025
January 24 – 25, 2025